Sibyl Market is a Redbee Software project dedicated to investors wanting to make stock predictions. Based on the accuracy of the forecasts, users can grow their profile ranking and gain community credibility.
One of the project’s objectives is to create an online community where stockholders with similar investment strategies can connect.
Web & Mobile
Europe and USA
Being an internal project, we conducted a full development cycle, starting with Planning and Product Definition. After a thorough examination of the market, we established what problem our application solves, the target audience, product expectations, what programming language is most suitable for our set objectives, the key functionalities desired into the MVP, and the final app.Solution
We chose React Native for development and Redux & Redux-Saga for state management. For the backend, we used Firebase and Firebase Analytics to track the users' activity. This way we can identify if they encounter roadblocks through navigation, which screens register high levels of activity, and other relevant data.The Result
An intuitive stock market prediction app that can sharpen investment strategies and boost confidence when investing. Sibyl Market was a fun and challenging project that benefits users with its distinguished purpose. We are planning on adding extra features and improvements, so this success story is still being written.Similar Projects leader in TV & Radio analytics
React JS
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React Native
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React Native
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